Still, for all we know, XCOM 3 is already in the works. With all that in mind, a finalized, optimum build order that works for most players is as follows: What should I build first in XCOM 2 War of the chosen? While the bio-weapons paved the way for ADVENT to clean up and re-create the new city centers, colonization after the invasion is still in progress over the course of XCOM 2. The Lost are the victims of the bio-weapons used over the course of the original invasion during Alien Abductions.
You might be interested: Readers ask: What Is An Abandoned Forest? What are the lost XCOM 2? Instead, a big red timer starts counting down, and when it hits zero your campaign is over. Unlike EU, when the Avatar bar fills up you don’t instantly lose. In XCOM 2, the aliens are working on something called ‘Project Avatar,’ creating facilities and events that produce steady progress towards the end of the world. In general Lost and Abandoned allows you to reliably rank up at least a couple of soldiers by feeding them lost kills. 12 Can you get captured soldiers back in XCOM 2?.11 How do I fix shaken soldiers in XCOM 2?.6 What should I build first in XCOM 2 War of the chosen?.